Philadelphia Workplace Accident Lawyers Hold Oil Companies Accountable for Injuries in Refineries
Pursuing justice for injured victims
There are thousands of families throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey that depend on their livings coming from being able to work in oil refineries. The oil business is inherently dangerous where accidents regularly range from short-term injuries to lost lives. The worksites are supposed to be heavily regulated to ensure safety for employees, but management regularly ignores safety precautions for increased profits. At McCann Dillon Jaffe & Lamb, LLC, our Philadelphia oil refinery accident lawyers take on oil companies in their fight to limit financial responsibility. We fight them every step of the way to recover the full compensation you deserve for their negligence.
Oil refinery negligence
Accidents in oil refineries do not just happen. They occur when safety regulations are ignored. To prevail in a workplace injury lawsuit, you need to be able to prove before the court that the oil refinery breached their responsibility to maintain a safe workplace. Oil refineries have a high duty of care to minimize risks due to the inherent risks of the working environment. In some cases, it is the breach of duty to keep the facilities safe that creates the financial liability more than the severity of the accident. Our Philadelphia oil refinery negligence attorneys thoroughly investigate these cases and build comprehensive cases against your employer. The most common accidents that result from oil refinery negligence include:
- Chemical burn
- Chemical releases and spills
- Dropped or falling heavy objects
- Fires and explosions
- Inhalation of dangerous chemicals
- Toxic gas release
Recovering full compensation for your injuries
The most important thing for our Philadelphia personal injury lawyers is that you are fully compensated for the harm that you have suffered. The law entitles you to recover financial restitution from your employer if you are harmed in the workplace. This includes more than just the past and future medical costs associated with your injuries. We also tenaciously pursue compensation for any lost wages, incidental costs and emotional distress put on you and your family. Your financial security should not be jeopardized due to the negligence of your employer.
Make an Appointment with a Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Lawyer at McCann Dillon Jaffe & Lamb, LLC LLC if You have been Injured in a Oil Refinery Accident
Oil refineries do everything they can to avoid paying the expenses that come from an accident in the workplace. Before you sign anything with your employer, speak with our Philadelphia work injury lawyers at McCann Dillon Jaffe & Lamb, LLC to discuss your legal options. Call us at 215-569-8488 or 302-888-1221 or contact us online for a free initial consultation.