Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Lawyers Help You To Recovery After Premature Hospital Discharge Causes You Harm
Attorneys Taking a Stand for Your Right to Receive Proper Care
Hospitals have a responsibility to care for every patient that they take in. There is a duty for them to not let patients go before they are no longer in a position where they observation and continued treatment. At McCann Dillon Jaffe & Lamb, LLC, our Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers are alarmed by the frequency with which hospitals discharge patients too soon, before they are safely stable enough for outpatient care. The only way to get hospitals to put an end to discharging patients early is to hold them financially accountable for the harm these practices cause.
Why are Hospitals Discharging Patients Prematurely?
There is a lot of responsibility that comes with signing the discharge forms for a patient. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly common for doctors to ignore their duty to care for their patients because they are unduly pressured by hospital administration to cut costs. Our Philadelphia attorneys find prematurely discharging patients to cut costs reprehensible. The people most at risk of being discharged prematurely are patients that are unlikely to be able to bear the costs for their treatments. We fight to put an end to this greedy practice that causes harm to people when they are most in need. Hospitals are financially responsible for the injuries and suffering caused when they force you out of the hospital before you are ready.
Harms Commonly Caused When Philadelphia Hospitals Discharge Patients Prematurely
If you suffered further injury after being discharged from a hospital, then you may be entitled to financial damages. Intake occurs whenever you are accepted by the hospital as a patient (whether or not you become an overnight patient). Hospitals have a legal responsibility to keep you in the hospital until it is safe for you to leave. Failure to run the proper tests to ensure that you are safe to leave the hospital is grounds for a malpractice lawsuit. The most common harms our Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers see when patients are discharged early include:
- Falls
- Infections
- Internal bleeding
- Loss of limbs
- Pneumonia
- Wrongful death
Contact Our Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Lawyers Today to Discuss Whether You Are Entitled to Damages For a Premature Hospital Discharge
At McCann Dillon Jaffe & Lamb, LLC, our Philadelphia malpractice lawyers recover financial compensation for patients harmed due to premature discharge from a hospital. We have flexible hours for your convenience. Call us at 215-569-8488 or 302-888-1221, or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation and get information about your rights. We serve clients in Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey.